Time to clean the shed?

Well Mrs Uncle Wilco thought so, and thats what we did on Sunday (the fast moving life of a head sheddie). anyway I found out the following after the Autumn clean I have a “grow your own mushroom kit” I forgot I had, so time to get sporing Mice have eaten my trainers (lucky I… Continue reading Time to clean the shed?

Kiwi sheddies have great time at Blokes ‘n Sheds

The southland times reports. The eighth annual Blokes ‘n Sheds tour was blessed with a beaut of a day yesterday and attracted another strong turnout. Organiser Ken Bowie said about 160 blokes of all ages took part in the Southland Boys’ High School fundraising event, which took the blokes to a mystery selection of five… Continue reading Kiwi sheddies have great time at Blokes ‘n Sheds

Categorized as Shed News

Bathing Beauties Festival 2008

The UK’s only Beach Hut Fesival is next weekend, 20th and 21st September 2008 They have some great things happening and a great competitions for the owners For beach hut owners in Mablethorpe, Sutton on Sea and Sandilands BEST EXTERIOR DECORATION BEST INTERIOR BEST FAMILY HUT BEST DRESSED OWNERS

Bletchley Park & Sheds to be saved?

El reg reports The campaign to raise funds to preserve Bletchley Park’s heritage got into full swing yesterday with a cash injection from tech giants PGP Corporation and IBM. But the site, which also houses the National Museum of Computing, needs millions of pounds more to keep it alive. today it’s certainly looking shabby around… Continue reading Bletchley Park & Sheds to be saved?

Categorized as Shed News

The shed to get bigger?

Featured Shed News

When I read this headline in my google alerts for Sheds I thought someone not affected by the credit crunch, but its Gloucester rugbys shed.. GLOUCESTER Rugby owner Tom Walkinshaw has pledged to increase the size of The Shed. Speaking to BBC Radio Gloucestershire this morning, the owner said he would listen to fans about… Continue reading The shed to get bigger?