Shed Week : Shed.TV

Featured Shed News

Some of the runners up of Shed of the year have some videos of their sheds. The Plot thickens pallet shed from Simon Kirby has a great video on Newbury today.. Simon is so enthusiastic about sheds.. I can’t embed it but heres the link and the Ode to sheds is a classic. Nice Tshirt… Continue reading Shed Week : Shed.TV

Shed Week : Encomium* for Shed Week

Featured Shed News

Our new friend Shedman has written this special poem for Shed Week. Encomium* for Shed Week In Shedbury they’re celebrating the winners of Shedweek, flags and bunting deck the streets and houses of Shedwick; Sheddingham resounds to the cheers of sheddie folk and Bedfordshire has change its name to extend the joke. In allotments, along… Continue reading Shed Week : Encomium* for Shed Week

Shed Week: Shed Photo do we have a winner?

After many hours of wossname and pointing, I was going to announce the winner of our Flickr Shed Week photo competition today, but myself and Alex can’t decide which of these great shed photos should win. So it’s up to you the readers to vote… below. [flickr]photo:2633957567[/flickr] Potting Shed hdr by jamesroberts Taken in a… Continue reading Shed Week: Shed Photo do we have a winner?