Olympic Sheds on the Radio

Further to the Manor Garden Olympic Allotments pictures yesterday, the Kitchen Sisters contacted me to say. We are working on a radio piece about the (former) Manor Garden Allotments in East London which were bulldozed this October to make way for the 2012 London Olympics. The story will air June 26th of NPR’s Morning Edition.… Continue reading Olympic Sheds on the Radio

Shed.TV Viva Las Sheddie from FinRaucous

FinRaucous, is quick off the mark with his excellent wossname of Viva Las Vegas, as voted for by the sheddie, especially for Shed Week 2008, but it’s so good you can see it now! Banjo/Ukulele and Tea Chest Bass were all used in this great rendition

Wonderful Allotment sheds photos

I have mentioned the Manor Garden Olympic Allotments before But photographer Jan Stradtmann has some great images of the sheds before they were destroyed to make way for the games. More about the Manor Garden Olympic Allotments. Of course you can view our sheddies wonderful allotment sheds here.