Shedworking +1

Featured Shed News

Wonderful news that Alex over at shedworking, needs to get a bigger shed Of course we wish him and Mrs Shedworking well in their continued expansion of the Shedworking empire, very kind of him, but i think it was a hint.!.to advertised the readersheds babygrows (the babygrow is in the post Alex for mini shedworking… Continue reading Shedworking +1

Shock as shed arrives unplanned

Featured Shed News

DO you recognise this shed? Unfortunately for bosses at one Marton rock factory, the sight of this pile of timber has become all too familiar after somebody dumped it on their land. Geoff Race, director of Blackwoods Limited on Cowley Road, Marton, was astonished when he arrived for work yesterday to find the dismantled shed… Continue reading Shock as shed arrives unplanned

HD Shed hits the web

Featured Shed News

The SKY HD story about Alan’s great shed, is getting a lot of interest now that the American sheddies have woken up, we have had hits from wired, redferret and digg.

Sisters hid £29m in shed

According the guardian and others. They hardly fit the description of typical big-time tax dodgers: two middle-aged sisters who stashed wads of cash in cardboard boxes in a garden shed. But despite their quaint methods, the women, who were arrested yesterday, are suspected of masterminding the biggest case of inheritance tax evasion Japan has seen.… Continue reading Sisters hid £29m in shed