Celebrating Britishness

With these Plans to create a new national day for the UK. I think they should just have holidays for the individual Saints days, even though the religious origins of it seems to be secondary to having a good time.. The only thing you should pledge allegiance to is the SHED 😉 which is the… Continue reading Celebrating Britishness

Madrid Metal Sheds

I blogged about these last year.. but that every watchful Alex over at shedworking has pointed me in the direction of blog that gives some more details about these lovely metal sheds.

Garden Office dream

The shed friendly telegraph has a good article all about working from your shed, normally I would leave this sort of thing to Alex, but I thought the post covered all the basics for us sometime shedworkers, plus they mention shedworking.co.uk so I thought why not. My dream is to have a garden office. I… Continue reading Garden Office dream