Great photos of shedlike Glasgow pigeon lofts Dookits

Dookits, Glasgow, Scotland. ©Stephen McLaren 2012, all rights reserved.

Photographer Stephen McLaren has a book about Dookits – yes I was none the wiser as well – but thanks to ShutterHub I now know that They are pigeon lofts which appear in the landscape of the Eastend of Glasgow. And can all seen as part of a larger exhibition called Document Scotland

Categorized as Shed News

Good Woodworking’s 300th issue – features ALL the sheds

I recently did an interview about Shed of the year with Good Woodworking magazine and you will be soon be able to read it along with 17 pages! of photos of sheds and sheddies who took part in Shed of the year 2015 – it’s like us sheddies are taking over the woodworking world 🙂… Continue reading Good Woodworking’s 300th issue – features ALL the sheds

Glamping is not all about posh bell tents – it’s very shedlike

The first ever Glamping Show will open its doors to the public on Saturday 26 September at Stoneleigh Park. I thought it would be just posh tents – but looking at their twitter feed there are a lot of shedlike structures – which I would love to stay in (too old and grumpy to stay in… Continue reading Glamping is not all about posh bell tents – it’s very shedlike

George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces returns to Channel 4 for series five – get planning now sheddies

Great to see shed fanciers George and Will are back tonight with a new series of Amazing Spaces (Channel 4 8pm). The architect extraordinaire and shed of the year judge is back for another tour of offbeat small builds, from space-saving retreats to reconditioned vehicles, at home and abroad. He begins by meeting a father… Continue reading George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces returns to Channel 4 for series five – get planning now sheddies

Some of the amazing cinema sheds entered for Shed of the year

Over the years we have had some great cinema sheds entered for #shedoftheyear and the last couple of year two have made it to the final. and with the “news” that film/movie/cinema sheds are the new in thing Thought garden sheds were just for tools? Think again — Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) August 12,… Continue reading Some of the amazing cinema sheds entered for Shed of the year

Categorized as Shed News

There are some enchanting things going on in the shed

Photo from Andy Workshopshed

Longtime sheddie and supporter Andy from Workshop shed – has recently won a trip to the fabled MAKER Faire in America – by turning a Alpine Weather Chalet into an Internet of things Weather Forecaster. As part of the Connected World series, Element14 challenged electronics designers from around the globe to add “enchantment” to everyday… Continue reading There are some enchanting things going on in the shed