Do you love chips?

Featured Shed News

Well this week is National Chip Week (11th – 17th February), so show your support and visit the British Potato Council website Next week is National Bacon Week and Community Pubs Week, its all happening! It’s not really a shed food, but I love chips! so I will have them at least twice this… Continue reading Do you love chips?

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Lovely fisherman huts

Alex over at shedworking, has started his beach hut Tuesday feature and reports on some great Fisherman’s huts you can rent in Whitstable.

These sheds are not antlers

I get quick a bit of traffic to readersheds and the blog, for people looking for “best Sheds” and “shed of the year” but in fact they are looking for antler sheds! It must be the season again.

Shed Side Blog of Bits

You may notice there will be little bits of interesting (I think) info/posts in the righthand side of under the title of Bits, in fact this is a wordpress plugin called Sideblog and it’s great for adding quick posts about stuff that may not full posts but just asides to the main nonsense. basically… Continue reading Shed Side Blog of Bits

Massive greenhouse for Valleys

The BBC say that there is a Rainforest plan for film studios in Valley wood, Wales. If the greenhouse is that big I would love to see the shed.

Shed for ’shedless’ blokes?

Featured Shed News

I have heard about this in Australia before, but heres a nice article about it. The Ararat Anglican Church Men’s Shed Project will seek to address this `shedless bloke’ problem by building a `Men’s Shed` for the use of those men who are now `shedless’. However, many retired people have had to downsize their living… Continue reading Shed for ’shedless’ blokes?

Categorized as Shed News