Falling asleep improves memory, say researchers

Nodding off refreshes the brain and improves the memory, research has shown. The findings suggest it is falling asleep, not being asleep, that is beneficial. Napping for just 10 minutes reduces drowsiness, even though most studies suggest that more sleep time is needed. > so that eighty winks in the shed makes you remember stuff.


Dizzy the dog is doing her bit for the environment – by recycling the rubbish in her owner’s home. The two-year-old mongrel with the “green” nose targets recyclable material including beer cans, cardboard, envelopes, plastic bottles and rubbish sacks – which she carries to the family’s recycling shed in the garden. Dizzy even collects plastic… Continue reading Eco-dog

Shedblog working?

Been having a few problems with the shedblog, but it should be working now.. if you see anything wrong let me know.

Celebrity sheddie : Doctor Snuggles

From the 80’s Telly Doctor Snuggles was a balding, chubby inventor with a heart of gold, who made creations of a wonderful kind in his garden shed called Rickety Rick.

Plumb jobs

Featured Shed News

Unless you’re a very experienced and competent DIYer, plumbing jobs are usually best left to the professionals because you can cause a lot of damage if things go wrong. However, some plumbing tasks are relatively straightforward, such as plumbing in a dishwasher or washing machine.