I am very happy to say that my shed friend Debra Prinzing has signed up as a judge for next years Shed of the year competition, Debra is not only a great writer (About sheds!) she once called me the bad boy of sheds.. so thats good enough in my books. This is what Debra… Continue reading Shed of the year judge 2010 : Debra Prinzing
Debra Prinzing
Shed Week 2009 interviews: Debra Prinzing
This is the first in a series of guest posts from my favorite sheddies or shed experts (that is the same thing really!), the brief was “Sheds and how they effect you” thinking back it was a pompous question, but anyway the sheddie came back with their own view on their shed worlds. I will… Continue reading Shed Week 2009 interviews: Debra Prinzing