Shed blast from the past: Distillery, TARDIS, Taj & Isolation Ward

Featured Shed News

Sometimes its hard to profile lots of the great sheds on as most people see the latest sheds (any ideas on different displays welcome) So here are a selection of Sheds that were added in the past but of course all previous sheds added to the site (apart from winners) are automatically entered for… Continue reading Shed blast from the past: Distillery, TARDIS, Taj & Isolation Ward

What you talking about wilco – now I can find things on

The eagle eyed and sober amongst you may have noticed a change to the navigation bar over on, it now has dropdowns yes we have finally entered the 20th century. Basically its the start of a site redesign to make the site easier to use and make the all important sheds a bigger feature… Continue reading What you talking about wilco – now I can find things on

readersheds & shedblog are pleased to annouce

Featured Shed News

I am pleased to announce we have a new sponsor for and the Walton Garden Buildings have taken on the mantel of main sponsor for the next 6 months on your favourite shed based websites. Walton Garden Buildings were originally founded in 1878 by Edward Charles Walton and originally sold beehives. The company… Continue reading readersheds & shedblog are pleased to annouce

Shed canna take any more captain

We have having some issues with the main shed server and thus it’s either crashing or timing out.. but please bear with us… I am sure if we all place our hands on our puter screens and think of nice warm sheds, then it will all work again.