Shed Week 2009, now has an official mascot, his name is Sprout…. ok some favoritism he’s my dog, but it’s my wossname! Sprout joined the extended shed family last Saturday and the clever fella already has a blog and a twitter account. He was at the dogs trust rehoming centre in Bridgend he’s a… Continue reading Offical mascot for National Shed Week, offically
Shed week
Kirstie Allsopp’s Shed
The shed friendly telegraph has a piece on Kristie’s shed today and Alex gets a look in and Shed of the Year award is mentioned. The prospect of setting up business from home may become a reality for many as the recession bites. But doing so no longer involves sacrificing house space or working in… Continue reading Kirstie Allsopp’s Shed
Share your shed and you could win £130 worth of Cheese!

I am please to announce that The official cheese monger of Shed Week, The Cheese Shed, has given one of their wonderful Cheese subscriptions to the winner of Shed of the Year 2009. I did not know you could get a subscription for the wonderful milky stuff either, but those trend setters from Bovey Tracey… Continue reading Share your shed and you could win £130 worth of Cheese!
Would you like to Sponsor Shed Week 2009?
I am on the lookout for overall sponsors for shed Week 2009 and sponsors of the shed Categories If your company wants to be involved with the greatest shed based event this year. Then please contact me and I will send you the link to the proposal. We hope to get some great media coverage… Continue reading Would you like to Sponsor Shed Week 2009?
Shed of the year 2009 : Image amnesty
We have had a lot of new sheds added to the site recently (Thanks Judge Chris!!). But if you look at the shed pages, you will see this image It means that the sheddie has not added any images. So if you shed does not have at least two images then sorry that shed will… Continue reading Shed of the year 2009 : Image amnesty
Readersheds is an “internet phenomenon”!

Mike over at findaproperty blog had written something nice about readersheds Took a ramble over to a few days ago, and my how they’ve grown! What began as a bit of fun at the end of the garden has mushroomed into an internet phenomenon with forums, blogs, celebrity involvement, merchandising, flickr groups, and, I… Continue reading Readersheds is an “internet phenomenon”!
How to add your Shed to Shed of year
The finalists of shed of the year 2009 are here, you can add your shed for Shed of the year 2010. What is Shed of the year 2009 I wanted a way to showcase the best sheds in the country that my sheddies have shared, so Shed of the year was born, we are in… Continue reading How to add your Shed to Shed of year
Your sheddie needs you, live on Radio 2 Chris Evans show
Hopefully yours truly (uncle wilco) will be on the Chris Evan’s drive time show on BBC Radio 2 today around 5.25pm and we will be joined by wonderful shed Judge & Sheddie favorite Sarah Beeny. I will mainly trying to get the listeners to add more great sheds to, for this year’s Shed of… Continue reading Your sheddie needs you, live on Radio 2 Chris Evans show
Shed of the year 2009 judge: Trevor Baylis

It’s my great pleasure again this year that I can announce that top British inventor and renowned sheddie and pipe smoker Trevor Baylis has agreed to be one of the judges again in this years Shed of the year 2009. As you all know Trevor was the brains behind the clockwork radio and many other… Continue reading Shed of the year 2009 judge: Trevor Baylis
Is it about time you shared your shed?
As the new year has hit us hard with cold and money worries, now is the best time to clean the shed up a bit, maybe a lick of creosote and then take some photos and Share it with our sheddies over at Could you beat last years winner Tim and his rugby pub?… Continue reading Is it about time you shared your shed?