We love shed photos

Featured Shed News

The Shed of the Year 2008 Photo competition on flickr is getting some great entries and some are sharing their sheds on readersheds.co.uk as well! result

Are we allowed to put our shed wherever we like?

The answer by Sheila Prophet of course is in todays Telegraph, and they mention everyones (ok mine) favourite shed based website readersheds.co.uk Actually, no. According to building regulations, if a shed is made of combustible material, ie wood, it must be at least two metres away from your own and any neighbouring house. It also… Continue reading Are we allowed to put our shed wherever we like?

Shedshelf – shelfshed?

The Girlinthegreendress blogs about this great object, that is made by those clever people over at studiogorm. Very clever and smart looking… but a bit too clean for my shed/house shed/shelf is a small shed to keep things organized within a small apartment. like a dollhouse for grown-ups

Inflatable shed friday

Featured Shed News

Alex mentioned these briefly ages ago You can see loads of them at the inflate site (it uses flash) and they make me laugh in a good way, but you would have to make sure you did not have any sharp tools..!

Readers Outhouses

Featured Shed News

Alex has a post about a website that’s kindred spirit to readersheds.co.uk, its all about outhouses in fact its the Outhouse Museum and has a Readers Outhouse section. This one’s my fav In the UK we always used to have outhouses but thanks to Maggie (or someone) 😉 everyone decided to get indoor toilets. I… Continue reading Readers Outhouses

The shed on wheels rolls in

The wonderful Shed on Wheels , has finally been completed and is in situ. You can read about it on Alex’s blog, or view the most wossname flickr set over on Laura G’s set. You can read more on the Sockburn Hall blog Congrats on getting this great shed built and hopefully it will do… Continue reading The shed on wheels rolls in