The best book to buy for any sheddie – anytime.

No it’s not a book! its even better than that! but you have to wait until 2010 Alex from shedworking announced this great news today.. Shedworking: The Alternative Workplace Revolution will be published by Frances Lincoln in early June 2010. On amazon it’s coming out on the 3rd June 2010 which strangely enough is… Continue reading The best book to buy for any sheddie – anytime.

Enterprising sheddies – shedworking is the future!

I spent a great day on Friday in that London at the Home Enterprise Day Conference, which was organised by the multi-talented Emma Jones from Enterprise nation. Basically it was a day where people who want to become home businesses owners or are already running something from home, can get some good advice from various… Continue reading Enterprising sheddies – shedworking is the future!

Shed of the year 2010 judge : Alex Johnson – shedworking

I’m happy to announce that Shed ladies favorite and good guy of sheds, Alex is back as a judge, he is a good friend, a confident on shed matters and a nice bloke who’s pretty hot at snooker (so I am told) I will be finally be meeting him (oh the joy of online world!)… Continue reading Shed of the year 2010 judge : Alex Johnson – shedworking

Shedworking – the book of the web of the shed

Great news over at Shedworking. After a long search for the right publisher, I’m delighted to announce that ‘Shedworking: the alternative workplace revolution’ will be published during National Shed Week in July 2010 by Frances Lincoln. Well done Alex, I know how hard you have worked on this, and we here are happy to be… Continue reading Shedworking – the book of the web of the shed

The Shed is 15

Alex over at shedworking has just released issue 15 of his shed magazine. Go over here to find out.