Hashtag Alice – interviewed in shead Of Dread

Following up with our shed music post the other day , Paul owner of shead Of Dread posted about this great metal band Hashtag Alice who did an video interview in his shed last october, his Son Tom is their Bass player and they are going places (not just in the shed) – Paul tells me that he is planning a new version of the Shead of Dread – so it doubles up as a studio as well as a bar.

shead Of Dread

shead Of Dread - Paul

Video source

Oxfordshire band Hashtag Alice invite WitneyTV to the their Shed to speak about their music. With Hook Norton Beer on tap, how could we say no! Sara Cox went along to find out more!

At the beginning of 2011, HashTag Alice hatched itself upon an unsuspecting world. In North America there are Paramore, Avril, Alanis, Amy and Taylor. On this side of the pond (the UK) we have nothing. Until now, that is…

HashTag Alice takes chick-rock a little further, pushing the boundaries between monstrously heavy and beautifully melodic. At times haunting, other times playful and a bit silly. But we’re here, and we aren’t going away.


They have been getting some good coverage and even Stephen Fry mention them on twitter – did know know he was a metal fan?


By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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